Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan book cover features a cartoon image of the backs of a couple's arms with the woman character crossing her fingers.

Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan

ARC from GP Putnam, PRH audio and Netgalley for an honest review

Book Blurb:

Benefits of a summer romance: it’s always fun, always brief, and no one gets their heart broken. There aren’t enough labeled glass containers to contain the mess that is Ali Morris’s life. Her mom died two years ago, then her husband left, and she hasn’t worn pants with a zipper in longer than she cares to remember. She’s a professional organizer whose pantry is a disgrace.
No one is more surprised than Ali when the first time she takes off her wedding ring and puts on pants with hardware—overalls count, right?—she meets someone. Or rather, her dog claims a man for her in the same way he claimed his favorite of her three children: by peeing on him. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right—like he likes what he sees. The last thing Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little Summer Romance. Is there?

My Review: 4.25 stars

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Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan is another winner in the summer romance genre that adds humor, delves into self-exploration, and supports second chances.

Ali is in a messy place which makes her totally relatable to many of us. She’s grieving her mother’s death, figuring out how to manage life after divorce and lives in any type of pant that doesn’t require buttoning or zipping. As I write this review, still in my sweats – I’m relating to her pant related choices!

When she meets a hot guy (Ethan) on a dog walk, she feels seen for the first time in a long time. It isn’t until much later that she learns that he is her BFF’s kid brother. Yikes. They meet secretly which adds to the pull between them. In her head, she knows this is just a summer romance so, why not go for it?  

Of course, the sparks fly, and her kids become invested in Ethan also. This writing is done with sensitivity and understanding. After all, Ali is still heartbroken about her mother’s passing and talks aloud to her when she drives alone in the car. I loved that characteristic as it showed the reader just how desperately she missed her mom. And interestingly, she heard her mom’s advice which of course, was Ali learning to trust herself.

This is a closed-door romance, so for those who don’t like spice in your books, you’ll appreciate this one. Overall, this is a sweet, second-chance romance that will give you all the feels.

Quotes I liked:

I am the architect of my own experience.”

“It’s a lot easier to work through other people’s problems. I think I must be very attached to my own.”

“It’s funny, what you’ll do for your kids but not for yourself.”

“Because that’s what life is – joy peppered by loss. It’s why you get a dog. And then you get another dog. Madness repeating itself just to get another taste of joy.”

“I want to be that mother, both steering the ship to safety and being the safety itself.”

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