Behind Every Good Man by Sara Goodman Confino book cover with a cartoon drawn woman carrying a bag and wearing sunglasses.

Behind Every Good Man by Sara Goodman Confino 

ARC from  Lake Union and Netgalley for an honest review

Book Blurb:

It’s a doozy of a bad day for Beverly Diamond when she catches her husband, Larry, in a compromising position with his secretary. What’s a DC suburban wife to do with a soon-to-be ex, two young kids, and no degree or financial support in 1962? Beat the louse at his own game, that’s what. Larry runs the Maryland senatorial campaign for the incumbent candidate projected to win against his younger underdog opponent, Michael Landau. But Beverly has the pluck, political savvy, and sheer drive to push Landau’s campaign in a successful new direction, even if he already has a campaign manager who is less than pleased she has inserted herself into the race. Now it’s rival against rival. She and Michael do make a great team…maybe in more ways than one. But with the election heating up, she needs to focus on one thing at a time. If Bev can convince Michael to go modern, pay attention to women’s issues, and learn how to dress himself properly, maybe she can show Larry exactly how much he has underestimated her during their entire marriage—and make her own dreams come true in the process.

My Review: 4.5 stars

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Behind Every Good Man by Sara Goodman Confino is another fabulous book that will keep you entertained, make you laugh, and root for the main character from the very start! She’s a feminist well before her time and passionate about what she believes in.

Bev is the kind of character you’d love to have as a best friend. She’s smart, funny as heck and a devoted 1950s housewife. When she stops by her husband’s office to bring him lunch on a day he’s not expecting her, she’s in for a huge surprise. Her husband falls into the typical office tryst cliché of the times and he’s more concerned that she found out, rather than being truly remorseful. Bev surprises herself and the readers as she takes his demise into her own hands. 

With new characters to adore, talking about you Michael, Bev takes on Maryland’s senatorial campaign and she’s a natural. I loved the Maryland setting as that’s where I grew up. Confino peppered in so many local places, some still around and some long gone that took me down memory lane! This is a joyful read that allows much needed escapism and a good laugh.

If you’ve read either of her last two books, She’s Up to No Good or Don’t Forget to Write, you’ll be pleased to see some cameo characters pop in throughout the book. Nothing like a literary Easter egg to put a smile on my face!

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