The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals by Becky Mandelbaum

The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals by Becky Mandelbaum

The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals by Becky Mandelbaum โ€“ 384 pages ARC courtesy of Edelweis and Simon and Schuster in exchange for an honest revew.ย  Book Blurb: Itโ€™s late 2016 when Ariel discovers that her mother Monaโ€™s animal sanctuary in Western Kansas has not...
Fishbowl by Bradley Somer

Fishbowl by Bradley Somer

Fishbowl by Bradley Somerโ€“ 304 pages Book Blurb: A goldfish named Ian is falling from the 27th-floor balcony on which his fishbowl sits. He’s longed for adventure, so when the opportunity arises, he escapes from his bowl, clears the balcony railing and finds...
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