Sunflower Sisters by Martha Hall Kelly – AudioBook Blurb: Lilac Girls introduced readers to Caroline Ferriday, an American philanthropist who helped young girls released from Ravensbruck concentration camp. Now, in Sunflower Sisters, Kelly tells the story of her...
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The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave - AudioBook Blurb: The Last Thing He Told me by Laura Dave creates Hannah Hall, who knows exactly to whom the note refers: Owen’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Bailey. Bailey, who lost her mother tragically as a child. Bailey, who...
Do Not Disclose by Leora Krygier
Do Not Disclose by Leora Krygier – 195 pages ARC from She Writes Press for an honest review Book Blurb: In Do Not Dislcose, Leora, a juvenile court judge, wife, mother, and daughter, is caught in the routine of work, taking care of her family and aging parents. But...
His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie
His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie – 288 pages ARC from Algonquin Books and Netgally for an honest review Book Blurb: Afi Tekple is a young seamstress whose life is narrowing rapidly. She lives in a small town in Ghana with her widowed mother, spending much of her time...
The Guncle by Steven Rowley
The Guncle by Steven Rowley – AudioBook Blurb: Patrick, or Gay Uncle Patrick (GUP, for short), has always loved his niece, Maisie, and nephew, Grant. That is, he loves spending time with them when they come out to Palm Springs for weeklong visits, or when he heads...
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang – 352 pages ARC from Berkley and Netgalley for an honest reviewBook Blurb: When violinist Anna Sun accidentally achieves career success with a viral YouTube video, she finds herself incapacitated and burned out from her attempts to...
He Gets That From Me by Jacqueline Friedland
He Gets That from Me by Jacqueline Friedland – 256 pages ARC from SparkPress for an honest reviewBook Blurb: As a young mother with a toddler and a live-in boyfriend, Maggie Fisher’s job at a checkout counter in downtown Phoenix doesn’t afford her much financial...
Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen
Harry’s Trees by Jon Cohen – 336 AudioBook Blurb: Thirty-four-year-old Harry Crane, lifelong lover of trees, works as an analyst in a treeless US Forest Service office. When his wife dies in a freak accident, devastated, he makes his way to the remote woods of...
Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard
Count the Ways by Joyce Maynard – 464 pages Book Blurb: After falling in love in the last years of the 1970s, Eleanor and Cam follow their dream of raising three children on a New Hampshire farm. Theirs is a seemingly idyllic life of summer softball games and Labor...
Lizzie & Dante by Mary Bly
Lizzy & Dante by Mary Bly – 302 pages Finshed Copy provided by The Dial Press for an honest reviewBook Blurb: On the heels of a difficult break-up and a devastating diagnosis, Shakespearian scholar Lizzie Delford decides to take one last lavish vacation on Elba,...