Flight Of Dreams by Ariel Lawhon โ€“ 336 pages

Book Blurb:

On the evening of May 3rd, 1937, ninety-seven people board the Hindenburg for its final, doomed flight to Lakehurst, New Jersey. Among them are a frightened stewardess who is not what she seems; the steadfast navigator determined to win her heart; a naive cabin boy eager to earn a permanent spot on the worldโ€™s largest airship; an impetuous journalist who has been blacklisted in her native Germany; and an enigmatic American businessman with a score to settle. Over the course of three hazy, champagne-soaked days their lies, fears, agendas, and hopes for the future are revealed.

My Review: 4.5 stars

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Flight Of Dreams delves into the fateful last voyage of the Hindenburg in 1937. The challenge with writing about historical events is that the readers know the outcome of the event, but Lawhon does a phenomenal job of piecing the stories together so that the reader felt like they were in the midst of the event, and the mystery surrounding what really happened

At first I had a little difficulty getting into the swing of switching between five alternating colorful characters. I was only getting a little glimpse of who they were and trying to track where they fit into the bigger picture. It definitely got easier as the story went on, and the intertwining stories created a lot of intrigue. Even though I knew the ending, the tension still built from the beginning until end.

The mystery of Flight of Dreams is about the people, what secrets do they have and what does it all have to do with the eventual outcome of the Hindenburg? Each person on the blimp had their own reasons and motivations for being there, and Lawhon gave each character depth so that each of them were equally important and integral to the story.

There are so many well-developed characters and the book offers mystery, romance, love, hate and even revenge.ย A great read for any historical fiction buff!

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