The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley – 544 pages
Book Blurb:
History has all but forgotten…In the spring of 1708, an invading Jacobite fleet of French and Scottish soldiers nearly succeeded in landing the exiled James Stewart in Scotland to reclaim his crown.
Now, Carrie McClelland hopes to turn that story into her next bestselling novel. Settling herself in the shadow of Slains Castle, she creates a heroine named for one of her own ancestors and starts to write.
But when she discovers her novel is more fact than fiction, Carrie wonders if she might be dealing with ancestral memory, making her the only living person who knows the truth-the ultimate betrayal-that happened all those years ago, and that knowledge comes very close to destroying her…
Now, Carrie McClelland hopes to turn that story into her next bestselling novel. Settling herself in the shadow of Slains Castle, she creates a heroine named for one of her own ancestors and starts to write.
But when she discovers her novel is more fact than fiction, Carrie wonders if she might be dealing with ancestral memory, making her the only living person who knows the truth-the ultimate betrayal-that happened all those years ago, and that knowledge comes very close to destroying her…
My Review: 4 stars
This was good book with a lot of detailed historical facts mixed in the story. The main character is writing a historical fiction novel and finds that she may have some type of genetic memory as her writing is beginning to prove. The story kept me turning the pages late into the night but some of the historical information became exhausting. I skimmed over some and learned quite a bit about Young King James, his return to Scotland and the plight of the Jacobites. Diana Gabaldon fans will love this book as there is much Scottish history in this book.
Quotes I liked:
And that’s how I feel about studying English. Who knows what the writer was thinking, and why should it matter? I’d rather just read for enjoyment.”
-“Men who watch, and say little, very often are much wiser than the men they serve.”
-“But life, if nothing else, had taught her promises weren’t always to be counted on, and what appeared at first a shining chance might end in bitter disappointment.”