Tilt by Emma Pattee – 240 pages 

ARC from Simon & Schuster, Mary Sue Ricci and Netgalley for an honest review

Book Blurb:

Annie is nine months pregnant and shopping for a crib at IKEA when a massive earthquake hits Portland, Oregon. With no way to reach her husband, no phone or money, and a city left in chaos, there’s nothing to do but walk. Making her way across the wreckage of Portland, Annie experiences human desperation and strangers offering help, a riot at a grocery store, and an unlikely friendship with a young mother. As she walks, Annie reflects on her struggling marriage, her disappointing career, and her anxiety about having a baby. If she can just make it home, she’s determined to change her life.

My Review: 4 stars

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Tilt by Emma Pattee takes us on the journey of Annie, who is pregnant and down on her luck, yet she manages to survive a major earthquake while shopping for a crib at IKEA. This brings on a myriad of questions that beg to be answered by the narrator: How will she fare? Will she go into early labor? Where is her husband? Does she have her cell phone? Is she hurt? And the list goes on.

Much of the book comes from Annie’s stream of consciousness which reveals her thoughts of her past and what she wants from her future. She’s married to a struggling actor, and bears the weight of bringing in a steady, yet paltry income. Her unborn baby’s safety, lack of water, the beating down hot sun, massive destruction from the earthquake and pain from an injury in IKEA occupy her mind.

It was interesting because I was rooting for her the entirety of the book, yet I ended it not sure if I really liked her. She was sometimes whiny, often felt sorry for herself, and I didn’t see the progression of growth from her. I did like that she tried to befriend the worker at IKEA and found a partner to walk with. I just couldn’t imagine walking like she did while just three weeks away from her due date. The author did a brilliant job portraying that arduous trek.

 The writing was smart, with some beautiful imagery and wordsmithery. This was a strong debut, and I look forward to what’s next from this author.

Quotes I liked:

The happiest people are the ones who want what they already have.”

“Time unwinds like a puff of dust. A minute brushes against my face. An hour settles atop my body.”

“Next year for sure. Or the year after that. Each year somehow shorter than the year before.”

“I never realized how much a couch is like a mother, takes all your weight, asks nothing in return.”

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