What You Wish For by Katherine Center – 320 pages

ARC from St. Martin’s Press for an honest review.

Book Blurb:

Samantha Casey loves everything about her job as an elementary school librarian on the sunny, historic island of Galveston, Texas—the goofy kids, the stately Victorian building, the butterfly garden. But when the school suddenly loses its beloved principal, it turns out his replacement will be none other than Duncan Carpenter—a former, unrequited crush of Sam’s from many years before. When Duncan shows up as her new boss, though, he’s nothing like the sweet teacher she once swooned over. He’s become stiff, and humorless, and obsessed with school safety. Now, with Duncan determined to destroy everything Sam loves about her school in the name of security—and turn it into nothing short of a prison—Sam has to stand up for everyone she cares about before the school that’s become her home is gone for good.

My Review: 4 stars

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What You Wish For will be the third book I’ve read by this author and so far, she’s been three for three. Her books are the epitome of what I believe to be rich women’s fiction – smart writing, strong relationships, completely imperfect characters and easy readability.

Although I’m not a teacher, I still loved how this book centered around a school and that the main character was the librarian. That was enough to sell me. The characters were well drawn, especially the old and new principals. I saw so many differences between them, yet the major similarity was their love for the students. Samantha, our protagonist, and Duncan, the new principal, are both stuck emotionally and can’t see or fathom how much they need each other. This book made a good case for open communication in order to slay any past demons that are stunting your personal growth.

When we meet Duncan, we learn that he made a complete 180 as far his personality and demeanor are concerned. Learning why he changed so dramatically was heart-breaking and frightening. Some major hot topic issues come up in this book such as creating your own family, education, gun-control, overcoming tragedy and how to stay present and not run away from your problems. As is the author’s style, there is a sweet romantic element to this book. 

This would be a fantastic book to bring to the beach or glide through at home. It’s an easy and enjoyable story.

Quotes I liked:

The world keeps hanging on to this idea that love is for the gullible. But nothing could be more wrong. Love is only for the brave.”

“I knew that grief set its own timeline, and that the only way out was through.”

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